Fan Faire (September 16, 2017)FanFaire was a blast once again! The folks at the Osceola Library always put on a great show. Thank you for having us there and to everyone who showed up and came by to say hi! :) FanFaire-2017FanFaire-Tuxedo Mask VisitFanFaire-ArtFanFaire-DroidsFanFaire-Thatch Patch MikeFanFaire-Thatch Patch Trading PostFanFaire-Silliness
FanFaire was a blast once again! The folks at the Osceola Library always put on a great show. Thank you for having us there and to everyone who showed up and came by to say hi! :) FanFaire-2017FanFaire-Tuxedo Mask VisitFanFaire-ArtFanFaire-DroidsFanFaire-Thatch Patch MikeFanFaire-Thatch Patch Trading PostFanFaire-Silliness